Jeffrey Said What?

I have kept track of some of the things my Grandchildren have said to me over the years.

_____Date_____ They Said What?
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Age 5
February 12, 1990 I was helping Jeffrey get ready for bed and pulled his shirt off over his head and said, "Skin the rabbit". Jeffrey looked startled and said that was not how to skin a rabbit. He said you do it like this and he blew on his hand and wiped it off with the other hand. figure that one out, will you?
February 12, 1990 Jeffrey was walking through our unfinished house and trailing his hand along the hall wall. Tom got after him and told him not to touch the wall. Jeffrey looked at his hand and asked why he couldn't touch the wall and said he didn't get wet paint on his hand.
February 27, 1990 Jeffrey told me I am his buddy because he doesn't like Grandpa's hair.
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Age 6
February 25, 1991 Jeffrey told me he knew where I used to live and I asked him where that was and he said, "In Cocoa and it was far, far away!" (Might you mean Chicago, Jeffrey?)
June 10, 1991 Jeffrey and Patrick said they have a pool just like ours. Their daddy bought it for them but he does not put 'soil' in it like Grandpa does. We decided they meant chlorine bleach or all the dirt and grass the kids drag into the pool while getting in and out so much.
December 19, 1991 I measured Jeffrey and he is four foot. He asked if that means he is four foot high or four foot low?
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Age 7
April 15, 1992 Jeffrey asked if he was going to be Matt's godfather when he grows up and then asked if he is Matt's Uncle right now?
April 16, 1992 Jeffrey was blowing on his ice cream so it would get warm and melt.
September 2, 1992 Jeffrey asked Chandra how in the world she could put earrings in her HEAD! Naturally, he was watching her put her earrings into her pierced ears.
September 24, 1992 I put Matt on the living room floor and turned his walker on its side so he could play with the wheels. Jeffrey walked in and saw the baby kneeling beside the walker and yelled, "Oh, Nannie, the baby spilled over!".
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Age 8
December 5, 1993 Jeffrey saw the electric blanket on our bed and said, ""Oh, Nannie has an electric Bed.""
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Age 9
May 6, 1994 Jeffrey saw me flossing my teeth and asked why I was 'penning' my teeth.
June 20, 1994 Jeffrey informed me the "R" on the Rowlett Water Tower on Highway 66 stands for "Recycling" because that is where people Recycle so it means Recycling Tower. Good point, Jeffrey!
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Age 21
March 1, 2011 Thought I was done with the alarm, tested out all the features, then put it back together then I went to go get Thomas. Only to discover that the ignition was not hooked up. Meaning that every thirty seconds the alarm would arm, then start going off cause the car was in motion. So I would have to hit disarm every thirty seconds. I will fix it... Eventually.
  1. Alicia is amazing!
  2. Going to get the awesome Thomas!
  3. Runner now has a fully operational alarm to go with its power locks, next on the list is three point seat belts for the back seat.
Well, with the top off I was nervous about the stereo getting taken some day in a parking lot, so I installed an alarm as a deterrent. It's not like I got gps tracking and a camera, just a cheap little thirty dollar alarm.

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